Saturday, July 30, 2011

Shy but curious.

The detour into the mountains certainly gave our energy levels a severe depleting, so we have taken it a bit easier over the past few days.
We've still been knocking out over 100 km's a day, but with an earlier, cooler start, and with a few more rest breaks along the way...
And that's given me more opportunity to snap the pix I love to snap.
As we were sat, or rather, laying, somewhat flaked out on the side of the road at the far end of a small village we'd just passed through, a small girl kept peeking at us, out of her little house over the road.
For 10 minutes, she sat between the doors, crouched down, intently watching us as we ate some snacks, drank some water, and mopped our sweaty brows.
However, once I dug out my camera, she jumped up and hid, giggling behind the door... But not before I'd managed to snap one good shot...

After that, I pretended to ignore her just and shoot other things, and sure enough, she came back out, and seemingly nonchalantly, began to dance around and alternated between pretending to ignore us back, and then wave at us... It was quite amusing!
As we packed up, with her Nanna nearby, she just decided to lean up against the front post, and watch what we were up to...

Hopefully, I can get some more pics of the locals we are meeting, as they are all wonderful and interesting in their own ways... We certainly seem to be unusual and interesting to them, and hopefully they are enjoying meeting us as much as we are them...

- Posted using BlogPress from my amazing iPad!